Hong Kong Youth Internet Governance Forum 2024
Prompting a SMART Digital Economy

Sustainable  |  Multistakeholder  |  Accountable  |  Resilient  |  Trusted
July 27, 2024


2024 HKyIGF - 香港青年互聯網管治論壇

Date: July 27, 2024 (Saturday)
Time: 10:00 - 16:30 (UTC+8)
Venue: Kowloon Tong Campus, Hong Kong Baptist University
Language: English, supplemented by Chinese and English bilingual content
Fee: Free of charge

About the theme: Prompting a SMART Digital Economy  -  推進數「智」經濟

This year’s HKyIGF 2024 casts light on the latest technological trends and innovations, as well as the opportunities, risks, and Internet governance discourse that emerge therewith across the globe and carry implications for Hong Kong’s transformation into a Smart City. With the ambition to build a world-famed Smart Hong Kong, it is paramount to ensure that the digital economy is SMART – Sustainable, Multistakeholder-involved, Accountable, Resilient, and Trusted (可持續的、多方持份者參與的、可問責的、高韌性的以及可信賴的) 

HKyIGF participants will deliberate on the above topics and craft their own statement with reference to the three thematic tracks of this year’s Asia Pacific Regional Internet Governance Forum (APrIGF) – “Security and Trust”, “Resilience”, and “Ethical Governance of Emerging Technologies”. Synthesizing the collective interests of Hong Kong digital natives, the youth statement will be a tool to ensure Hong Kong youth voices are being considered and valued in regional Internet governance forums as a contributing document.

Key Features

2024 Hong Kong Youth Statement on Internet Governance

As a key deliverable outcome of the Forum, the collective statement synthesizes interests and concerns of the youth regarding the Internet in a local context and the global state. Reinforcing the multistakeholder model of Internet governance, this exercise hones skills of, and provides an actual path for, digital natives to meaningfully engage in tech policymaking processes The Statement will be published on the official site of the United Nations Internet Governance Forum and as an input for regional Internet fora.

Gamified Workshops

An overview of Internet Protocol fundamentals and demystifies associated Internet concepts through games, equipping youth with an understanding and the set of language essential for Internet governance discussions.

Thematic Discussions

Dynamic discussions with a focus on the 2024 APrIGF thematic tracks with a wide array of perspectives, prompting participants to think critically as they formulate their own views on Internet governance.

Expert Sharing Sessions

With a diverse set of perspectives delivered by thought leaders across stakeholder groups on longstanding and emerging Internet governance matters, participants will gain broader insights into the intricacies and controversies of the Internet.

Networking and Open Dialogues

Open dialogues and networking happens throughout the Forum! Youth are encouraged to express ideas, ask questions and exchange thoughts among participants and speakers whenever appropriate.

There's more...

Fly with us to APrIGF! Exclusive Sponsored Overseas Engagement Opportunities

Exclusive to HKyIGF participants, the Hong Kong Youth Internet Governance Fellowship will sponsor (yes, financially, $$) outstanding participants, who have demonstrated at the Forum enthusiasm and determination in prompting a SMART Digital Economy and amplifying youth voices, to join the Asia Pacific Regional Internet Governance Forum (APrIGF) to be held in Taiwan from 20-23 August 2024.

You will represent HKyIGF participants and bring the Hong Kong Youth Statement on Internet Governance to regional dialogues. You will witness and drive regional Internet governance discussions, as well as to engage with global leaders who are shaping the digital economy.

Digital Certificate
of Participation

 Be a certified future-proof digital citizen with a boost of your CV

You will acquire a digital certificate which then you can showcase on your CV or LinkedIn. Your engagement at the UN IGF-recognized Forum demonstrates your commitment to shaping a SMART digital economy and your foresight to ensure your skills remain relevant as we navigate waves of technological shifts.

Asia Pacific Digital Policy
Capacity Building Workshops

A unique pathway to join the Asia Pacific Policy Observatory (APPO)

You will join forces with a team of young Internet policy analysts to explore the intersection of digital developments and public policies. Insights produced during the capacity building program contribute to forums and consultations initiated by international organizations including UNIGF, UNESCO, and OHCHR. APPO contributors also have the opportunities to share their work in regional media organizations.

Internet Governance
Knowledge Hub

Tap into the wealth of growing resources hosted by NetMission.Asia

You will be connected with a regional network of dedicated young leaders to fortify and promote a SMART Internet and digital economy for all. From NetMission Digests and newsletters to NetMission Academy and various working groups, you will gain a better understanding of the Internet governance, and how to get involved.

Vision and Mission

Empower youth in Hong Kong to be competent digital citizens and fortify the multistakeholder model of Internet governance with equitable youth engagement in decision-making processes.

Raise awareness and ignite curiosity of Hong Kong youth about how Internet governance affects their lives and how to use technology and the Internet safely and responsibly.

Provide youth in Hong Kong an open and inclusive space to exchange thoughts about Internet governance and digital policies among their communities and with other stakeholder groups in Hong Kong and across the globe.

Equip youth in Hong Kong with the necessary skills and resources to engage in and lead meaningful discussions that can impact real-world Internet governance issues.

Create opportunities for youth in Hong Kong to involve in the Internet governance discourse and direct them to sustainable pathways for long-term participation.



DotAsia Organisation

Supporting Partners